Sunday 21 December 2014

Merry Christmas - Escola Básica e Secundária Gonçalves Zarco

Looking to make the most of our own school resources and in an attempt to expand the reach of the Skin Deep project we have joined forces with another project in our school - the "Tutores Juniores". Together we have planned  a number of activities which meet both projects' aims.

The 1st activity took place on the 16th of December. Our 9th grade students - those who participate in both projects -  and the 5th graders they mentor were in charge of creating Christmas decorations so they could decorate a space in our school and share what they had created together with the rest of the school community.

The aim was not only to celebrate Christmas but also strengthen the 5th graders' sense of belonging, boost their self-confidence and ultimately ease their integration.

After the decorations were in  place we got together in the classroom of the Special Needs Teaching Unit where 6 special 5th graders awaited Santa's visit. Carolina, our in house Santa, did not disappoint them and soon joined us, spreading around laughter and the kids' sweet version of all the joy in the world: chocolate :)

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