
Partnerships with Entities

The project "Tutores Juniores"
Aims to help 5th graders' integration in a new school environment. To do that students from the 9th grade work closely with them, trying to help them in any way they need.

The project "Escola Dinâmica"
Aims to make students aware that beauty goes beyond the physical and intends to stimulate cross-curricular competencies which in its simplest conception, is about making connections not only across subjects but also real life.

The project "SUPER4R-TE"
Created by a group Master students in the Madeira University this project aims to raise funds to cover, if possible, in full, the costs of entering the University of four teenagers, the Alves family quadruplets. In addition to this, the project includes a very wide range of artistic and cultural initiatives.

The Association "Ollho-te"
Aims to help the dwellers of Nazaré - a social housing neighbourhood, near Escola Básica e Secundária Gonçalves Zarco - to have a better view of their own neighbourhood, through the introduction of various artistic techniques.

"If every educator in our PLN shared, shared, shared their best practices on social media we wouldn't be a voice we'd be a roar."

Shelly Terrell

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